This report consists of both buses, Molokai and Maui.
Molokai Digital Bus has begun the SY 2023-2024 with high interest from teachers on
island. The top 30 applicants were accepted into this yearʻs KILO Program titled
“Project Hoʻōla”. Project focus will be on Food & Medicinal Security in our island
ahupuaʻa across Molokai. We are also adding a new component this year that will
focus on our upper-level students and family learners by providing exposure to
traditional/non-traditional career pathways in Molokaiʻs unique community.

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Maui Digital Bus continues to work with various community and educational hubs, individual families, and Maui organizations to provide activities and educational resources to the west side community. Our partners include: Napili Noho, Honokowai Park, multiple DOE education hubs, HTA Lahaina, Na Keiki No Emalia, Maui Rapid Response, Imua Family Services, Pacific Whale Foundation, Malama Maui Nui, Menehune Mayhem, and more…

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