Maui Digital Bus
During the first quarter of 2023, the Maui Digital Bus had participation from over 60 classes at 11 different school.
A few Highlights include Pu'ukukui 3rd grade finishing their Mano (shark) project with a visit to the Ocean Center; Lokelani Intermediate completed the science Demonstration project where we froze carbon dioxide to visualize how gasses have mass, and Waihe'e Kindergarten having their first tide pool field trip since 2019!
One fo three Kamalii 4th grade classes completed their year long Havai'i project with a visit to Kipuka Olowalu to learn about the Ahupau's, and Kihei Charter seniors enrolled in marine biology had their conclusion field trip aboard a private charter to perform plankton tows and coral reef transects.
Molokai Digital Bus
We have entered our busiest but most exciting time of the year. All classes in Project KILO are wrapping up their field studies across island Ahupua'a with exciting investigations in Flora/Fauna, I Spy, Limu & Stream Studies, and lots more.
Staff specialists & contractors have been busy training, implementing, and prepping sites for all of the many visits. It is also a time when community & events are a plenty...Makahiki with all of the island keiki, Project Ha`ehuola events with JABSOM & local practitioners, and training with field specialists.
We are looking forward to our annual Ho`ike on May 16th.